PMI Thailand is dedicated to promoting Project Management as a quality profession throughout the Thai industry. The Chapter operates as a non-profit organization by a group of dedicated volunteers.
Executive Vice President
Introducing quality programs to the Thailand Project Management community incurs substantial costs. Venues must be rented, meals provided, and sometimes speakers’ costs are reimbursed when they need to travel to Thailand for presentations. For that PMI Thailand needs support. Funding is partially acquired through training sessions, the events themselves, and revenue from membership.
Membership is growing each month and the Chapter monthly meetings and One Day Events are becoming more popular. Please take a moment and look through the sponsorship benefits listed below. If they get your attention and would like to sponsor our Chapter, please do not hesitate to contact PMI Thailand. As a corporate sponsor, you will have the opportunity to:
- Be a part of the initiative to establish and publicize project management standards for Thailand via PMI association with Thai government agencies. PMI is actively working with multiple government agencies to raise the knowledge of professional project management and establish the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification as one of the standards for project management certification for the Thai government.
- Support the Project Management Community in Thailand in general and your company in particular in preparation of for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 2015. Thailand will face an influx of companies bidding on multinational contracts once the AEC initiatives take effect. Companies with certified Project Managers are likely to receive preferential treatment in bids for lucrative jobs with the multinational companies who recognize PM certification from their work outside Thailand.
- Provide a feature on your company via the PMI Thailand Newsletter with a distribution of more than 1000 Thai PM professionals. Each release of the newsletter will feature one of our sponsors, allowing that company to showcase itself in a ½ page article. This should publicize your company’s initiatives and attract top quality personnel for hire
- Receive discounts for your personnel attending PMI Thailand special training functions. The 1 Day Session “Better Project Managers, Thailand’s Preparation for AEC” held on 11 May was attended by close to 90 project management professionals. Two more sessions; 3 August “Agile Project Management” and 28 September, ” A Practitioners Approach to Setting Up a Fast Track PMO” will bring special Project Management topics to the local community at very attractive pricing made even more attractive by the Corporate Sponsor Discount. Details of past and coming events may be viewed here.
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